• WA-01 Assistance for Developments of Motor and Sensory Function |
■Simply introduce character of Down child, babe exercise that promotes the early-onset motor and sensory developments, and facts of its assistance method. |
■Planned and Supervised by Tadashi Ando (professor, Kobe Shinwa Women’s Univ. / emeritus professor, Osaka Prefecture Univ.) |
• WA-02 Assistance for Developments of Verbal and Emotional Function |
■Divides necessary assistance method for language acquisition of Down child into three programs that consisted of assistance of understanding, expression, and language (applied part), and simply describes so that give assistance according to child development stage |
■Planned and Supervised by Shigeru Oogai (associate professor, Mukogawa Women’s Univ. Junior College Division) |
• WA-03 Assistance for Developments of Movement in Daily Life |
■Divides necessary each assistance method for acquiring of three basic daily performances such as “eating a meal” “dressing” “washing face or hand” into three steps that includes assistance phase, partially assistance phase, self-support phase, and simply describes them. |
■Planned and Supervised by Tadashi Ando (professor, Kobe Shinwa Women’s Univ. / emeritus professor, Osaka Prefecture Univ.) |
• WA-04 Assistance for Developments of Communication Function |
■Focus placed on ‘Fingerplay and Songplay’ as one an assistance for developing communication capability through play, explain the usefulness and effective plays from the three aspects of motor, cognition, and sociality in an easy-to-understand manner.Furthermore, introduces ‘Fingerplay and Songplay’ taken from actual family sessions, which are popular among little children.
■Generally Supervised by Tadashi Ando (professor, Kobe Shinwa Women’s Univ. / emeritus professor, Osaka Prefecture Univ.)
■Supervised by Shigeru Oogai (associate professor, Mukogawa Women’s Univ. Junior College Division)
■Planned by Tamae Hosiki (researcher, Institute of Welfare and Handicapped Child of Kobe Shinwa Women’s Univ.) |